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Saturday, March 5, 2016

500th Giveaway RePost!

Hey friends!

 I need your help! I would like to reach 500 followers and in order to do that, I need each of you. Please go and spread the word about my blog, the Funday Friday challenges and a little about me, to your bloggy friends. Word of mouth still seems to be the most effective way to advertise for events and such. 

Up for grabs is this.........

Please copy and paste this banner to your blogs and social media platforms. If I am able to double my number from 500 to 1000 followers, the above prize will climb to $250. So the more you spread the word and get people to come subscribe to my blog, the more followers I will gain. If I reach 1000 followers, there will be $250 to Amazon up for grabs for one lucky winner. That winner could be YOU!!! 

So to be eligible for this prize, you will need to leave me a comment below in the comments section of this post and your current email address. This will allow me to have a way to contact you should you be the lucky winner. 

So go ahead and grab this banner and go put it up on your blogs and social media starting now! Then go get your friends in on the prize! Ya never know, if your friend wins, they just might split the shopping with you, since you were the one to tell them about it!! I know that is what I would do if I won a giveaway that a friend told me about :)

And tell  your friends to pass this along to their friends too and have them put the banner up on their blogs and social media too! The more people we all get to follow my blog, the bigger that prize can go!

Please note:
  • You are NOT eligible to win the prize if you have not left a comment on this blog post.

  •  You MUST leave a way to contact you in your comment. 

  • You MUST be a follower

Good luck!!!!

Until next time, Enjoy life's blessings~


  1. This is so very generous of you! Thanks so much for a chance to win. I've been following you for a good while now. You can reach me at rcraddock910(at)yahoo(dot)com. Thanks again and I know you will reach your goal. Hugs, Robin

  2. Awww.. you bet Jo!! I'll post something to the Open-Minded facebook and mine as well! :) Maybe that will get some people over here :)

  3. Thank you for the chance to win this awesome prize. I'm a new follower and you can find me here: http://suek86401.blogspot.com/
    or @ suek86401@gmail.com


  4. I posted about your giveaway here on my blog. http://designsbydragonfly.blogspot.com/2016/03/help-jo-reach-500-followers.html
    What a generous giveawy. Thanks for the chance to win.
    I follow you with Google, Bloglovin' and by email.
    Crafty hugs,
    dmcardmaker at GMAIL dot com

  5. Wowww would love to win this and would spend it all on watercolouring pencils and paints whahahahahaha added your banner to my posting :) hope you make it Jo :) hugss Ria

  6. zonnestraaltje@gmail.com is my addy :) hugss Ria

  7. Thanks, Jo. Got you posted and hope you get lots of followers. Nice giveaway, too. Woo hoo!

  8. Hallo Jo
    I am number 425
    I commenting here cause I want to let you know I am now your follower
    wish you can reach soon the 500 Follower
    Big hugs from me in Germany

  9. Hi Jo! I have your banner on my side bar. I am a follower. I am sharing on my fb page, too!

    scrappy hugs!

    goldengoddessdesigns at g mail

  10. Awesome giveaway!! Would love to win. I am a follower. Just posted your giveaway on my blog http://whodatscrapper.blogspot.com

    mimicaro9650 at yahoo dot com

  11. This is very generous of you, Jo!
    Thanks for the chance. I posted on my sidebar and on FB,
    Ardilla (ardillatrabajadora at gmail dot com)

  12. Going to share on my FB crafty page.

  13. I will share in the Die Cuttin Diva FB page too. Good Luck!

    coachfans at cox dot net

  14. Woohoo! How fun! Loving your blog. leinzlove At yahoo.com

  15. Wow..What a generous giveaway. I'm sharing on my Facebook page www.facebook.com/pannelldesigns.
    dpookybear at yahoo dot com

  16. I also shared this on my blog -- www.pannelldesigns.blogspot.com -- here is the link: http://pannelldesigns.blogspot.com/2016/03/helping-fellow-blogger-out-jos-scrap.html

  17. Well, I can't sign up again as I already follow. Thanks for a chance to win such a neat prize! Good luck in gathering a few more followers. I'm posting on my blog. terriavidreader at yahoo dot com

  18. Good luck in reaching this milestone.
    edschultz11 at gmail.com

  19. Congrats on your milestone - thanks for a chance to win!!!

  20. Thank you so much for the giveaway! I've been following you and participating in challenge for a while now. good luck in reaching you target and more! I've shared in my blog with link on side bar.

  21. Wow! What a great giveaway Jo! I could really use some "craftin" money right now. I have blogged about you. http://www.chrissandlou.blogspot.com/2016/03/100-give-away.html, linked you to my side bar and also posted about this giveawy on facebook. I hope this helps you get to 500!

    Chrissy Lou

  22. Wow! This is such a great giveaway. I will share!
    Deena Davis

  23. I've been following you on Google for quite some time and always read your blog so am happy to spread the word. I have saved your badge and will post on FB and Instagram. I'm following by email now as well, so I don't miss a thing! Best of luck on reaching 500!!
    kladd94803 at aol dot com

  24. Just posted your badge and giveaway on FB as Karen Ladd.

  25. I already follow you on Google Friend and I just shared on FB here:

    I shared with some friends already, and was referred by karenladd! You're on your way to 500 in no time.


  26. Of course I'll share your link ;) Congrats on all your followers so far, well deserved.


    Leeann (paperdoll34 at gmail.com)

  27. Have put your badge on my blog.

  28. Already a long time follower and I posted on FB here!

    Good luck to you Jo!
    kladd94803 at aol dot com

  29. WOW! I will be happy to post on my blog and my Facebook page I will even post it on my Pinterest page, I have over 2000 followers on there so maybe that will help! Good luck!

  30. Banner in place on the sidebar of my crafterskey.blogspot.com. I don't have super many readers, but every little bit helps, I guess. :) Hopefully you'll reach your goal soon, this blog is so worth it!


    crafterskey at g mail com

  31. Hi Jo! I have your banner on my side bar.

    I am a follower.

    I did not read that I have to leave the comment
    here is my comment
    soon I will share on my Facebook
    hope you reach 500 Soon it was since March right?
    thanks for the chance Jo
    I have some friends who loves goodies hope they will join too

  32. I have posted about this on my blog post at the bottom of the post with the badge. CLICK HERE to see it. You can contact me at vparz70@gmail.com Thanks so much for your offer! I see you are getting closer now!! :)

  33. Hi, I am your newest follower, a friend told me about your blog, looks like an awesome blog. Would like for you to check out my blog when you have time. http://lakefrontstampingcreations.blogspot.com/ Your banner will be in place in a couple of minutes. Donna

  34. Your 500 badge is on my blog. I have joined as a follower. I am so glad to see you are almost there. My email is bjcraftdiva@centurytel.net

    good luck know you will make it.

  35. Now I'm following your blog and I’ve added your banner in my sidebar.
    My contact is henner53@yahoo.de
    Good luck and I hope you'll get your 500 follower in the next time!

  36. What an amazing giveaway!! Would love to win! Thanks for this lovely chance!
    It's card amking time!

  37. Well, I'm Follower #461. I'll add your badge and a shout out to my blog for you. Good luck!

  38. Oops! Forgot to leave my info. You can reach me at
    dkbgabysnana at gmail dot com

  39. HI, I'm your new follower! (467)
    Cd on FB page ... https://www.facebook.com/Creativele
    You rich me here creativEle
    Good luck at all <3

  40. Hi! There is a lot going on here on your blog. I'm your newest follower. Thanks for the opportunity to win this awesome prize. I hope you hit 500 soon.

  41. Ooh forgot to add. I can be contacted in a blog comment or email ... jolea dot 1994 at gmail dot com

  42. I thought I left a comment but thought I best be sure, you are so kind to do such a generous give away, thanks.

  43. You are now only 25 new followers away! Absolutely love your blog and thank you for always such fun challenges and inspiration here. And wow what an awesome prize!! Thank you for the chance. desire dot fourie at gmail dot com
    {Doing Life – my personal blog}

  44. Hello!
    My name is Sierra, and I am THRILLED to have found your fun blog. I've been having so much fun scrolling back through pages and pages of beautiful posts, GORGEOUS projects and FUN challenges. I found several things that I saved to my Pinterest board, and I just LOVE being inspired so I know I'll be back again and again and to play along in the challenges. I hope you reach your magic number of 500 followers soon. I'm happy to be a new follower, and I'd love to have you follow me if you'd like. I don't even have 100, so every new follower is a BIG treat for me. Thanks again for lots of great inspiration. I'm sharing your badge and a link on my blog side-bar.
    Happy crafting,
    Sierra Winters

  45. I love Amazon my favorite place to shop. Added to my side bar under Blog Candy and share on My Crafting Channel FB fan page.

    Have a creative day.
    Hugs Nana
    ♥ My Crafting Channel ♥
    ♥ MCC Shop ♥

  46. You will get to 1000 followers in no time :D

  47. I thought I commented already!! I would love to shop at Amazon. I would purchase the rest of the Spectrum Noir Markers that I need so that I can continue to practice especially the skin tone and hair color ones.
    You know this is up on my sidebar since the beginning...how could it not be..lol
    Have a wonderful day,
    Crafting with Creative M


Your lovely comments always put a smile on my face! I love reading each and every one! Thank you for stopping by~